USU GEO 5660/6660: Applied Geophysics
GEO 5660/6660: Applied Geophysics
Syllabus & Pre-requisites
Recommended Text (& Errata):
Introduction to Applied Geophysics: Exploring the Shallow Subsurface
: Introduction to Applied Geophysics, Burger et al. 2006
Program, Course, & Pre-requisites:
USU Program: Geology - BA, BS
Catalog: GEO 5660/6660 - Applied Geophysics
Applied Geophysics - 2018 Course Pages
(Tony Lowry)
Finals Schedule
(Course Catalog)
Field Trips:
Dry Canyon, on Tuesdays, March 31, April 7 & 14
Homework/Lab Assignments & Quizzes
HW #1
Due: Tuesday, January 28th, 3 PM
LAB #1
: See Lecture5 & associated links
LAB #2
: Tue, Jan, 28: Seismic Refraction; Introduction to textbook software, REFRACT & REFLECT.
Lab Assignment
Due: Tuesday, February 4, 3:00 PM
LAB #3
: Tue, Feb, 25: Seismic Refraction Analysis: QUAD Data & Gosport, IN
Lab Review
Quad Data, collected Feb 18, 2020.
Due: Wednesday, March 11, 5:00 PM
LAB #4
: Tue, Mar, 10: Seismic Reflection Analysis: QUAD Data
Lab Review
Quad Data, collected Feb 18, 2020.
Due: Wednesday, March 18, 5:00 PM
: Mon, Mar, 23: Seismic Refraction/Reflection
Lab 3, Q.4 Hints
Lab 4, Q.3 & Q.4 Hints
Due: Wednesday, April 1, 5:00 PM
LAB #5
: Sat, April 04: Gravity Modeling of Little Mountain, Idaho
Lab Review
Gravity Data
Due: Monday, April 12, 5:00 PM
: Topics - Up to and including Lecture 10.
Tuesday, January 28th, 3-3:30 PM
: Topics - Up to and including Lecture 22.
Tuesday, March 10th, 3-4 PM
: Topics - Potential Field Methods: Up to and including Modules covered until Friday, April 17th.
Monday, March 20th, *** 1-1.5 hour OPEN-BOOK/-NOTES exam, DUE 5 PM (to Rob) ***
Monday, March 27th, *** 2.5-3 hour OPEN-BOOK/-NOTES exam, DUE 6 PM (to Ravi) ***
Terminology/Notation cheat-sheet
(thanks to Rob McDermott!)
Lecture 1
: Introduction. Seismic Waves - reflection, refraction, diffraction; Travel-time curves; Tomography
Lecture 2
: Scope of Geophysics; Careers in Geophysics; Geophysical Imaging - Focus of this course;
Wave reflection - Huygens' & Fermat's Principles.
Lecture 3
: Huygens' & Fermat's Principles Revisited; Reflection of a Wavefront; Refraction of a Wavefront;
Snell's Law; P- & S-wave velocities & angles.
Lecture 4
: Introduction to the wave equation (Derivation of 1D, Cartesian version) - general solutions, wave velocity
Lecture 5/Lab 1
: 1D-Cartesian wave equation & characteristic solutions revisited; Wave energy in terms of Amplitude & Frequency;
1D-Spherical wave equation - 1/r reduction in amplitude and 1/r
reduction in radiated energy.
Cartesian 1-D wave equation - 1
Cartesian 1-D wave equation - 2
Spherical 1-D wave equation
LAB: Snell's Law applied to incident P-/S-waves; Spread-sheet calculations to reproduce Fig 2.15(b)-(e) & Table 2.3 of Text.
Snell's Law Application: Slides
Snell's Law Application: XLS
Lecture 6
: 1D-Cartesian wave equation - Wave energy revisited; Review of Snell's Law & Critical Refraction
Seismometer - introduction.
1-D plane S-wave Energy density
Lecture 7
: Seismometry - Introduction to simple & damped harmonic oscillators;
Lecture 8
: Seismometry - Simple vs. damped harmonic oscillators (mechanical & electrical); Fundamental frequency, and effects of damping
Critical-/Over-/Under-damped systems; Convolution Basics;
Simple Harmonic Oscillator - 1
Damped Harmonic Oscillator - 1
Simple Harmonic Oscillator - 2
Damped Harmonic Oscillator - 2
LAB: Simple harmonic & damped solutions - spread-sheet calculations for developing intuition.
Harmonic oscillator solutions: XLS
Lecture 9
: Seismic wave amplitudes, energy density, & flux; Scattered waves - Zoeppritz Equations;
Calculating reflection & transmission amplitude coefficients (
CREWES - U. Alberta
); Also see
Tooley et. al 1965
Lecture 10
: Seismic signals - time vs. frequency domain; Brief overview of Fourier Transforms, convolution, & discrete sampling.
Lecture 11
: Seismometry wrap-up: Seismometer response & calibration; Signal-to-noise Ratio (Db) & dynamic range;
Seismic instrument filters; How convolution works (example using two 1D arrays). [
Slides courtesy of
Hiner Igel
, U. Muenchen
Lecture 12
: Refraction seismology,
horizontal layers, for
k = 2, 3, ...., N
Refraction - 2 layers
Refraction - 3 or more layers
Lecture 13
: Refraction seismology,
Dipping layers, for
k = 2,...., N
Lecture 14
: Refraction seismology -
Similarities between horizointal & dipping layer equations; Hidden layer problem;
t-x plot discontinuities due to vertical offsets.
Lecture 15
: Refraction seismology - Summary of all equations; Vertical offset time difference; Time-delay derivation from path geometry;
"Plus-Minus" Method
Refraction - Vertical offset & Plus-Minus calculations
Lecture 16
: Refraction seismology - understanding the Plus-minus method; Field considerations
Refraction - Plus-Minus detailed derivation
Refraction - Field Considerations
Lecture 17
: Reflection seismology - Single horizontal layer; Normal Moveout; Multiple horizontal layers
Lecture 18
: Reflection seismology - Green's Method; Dix equations; Applications
Reflection - Dix Equations derivation - 1
Reflection - Dix Equations derivation - 2
Lecture 19
: Reflection - Dipping reflector
Reflection - Dipping reflector t-x derivation
Reflection - Dipping reflector t
& T
Lecture 20
: Reflection - Dipping reflector; T
; Practical Considerations
Reflection - Dipping t
, t
eqns; T
Lecture 21
: Reflection seismology - Horizontal & Vertical resolution; data samplling; Practical computer data processing steps:
I. Static correction; II. T
correction & velocity analyses; III. Common Depth Point (CDP) stacking; IV. Migration;
Other adjustments - amplitude, transmission, and filtering [Based on Tony's
between Feb 9-12, 2018]
Lecture 22
: Industry seismic data processing: 2D/3D/4D high-resolution processing
[Based on Tony's
between Feb 14-20, 2018]
Lecture 23
: Ground Penetrating Radar: an overview
[Based on Tony's
between Feb 21-23, 2018]
Lecture 24
: Review of Seismic Refraction & Reflection
Modules: Post COVID19 Measures: Potential Field Methods & Well Logging
Video lecture for each module below is posted to the Canvas Course Page. Please email me with any feedback!
Gravity Module 1-1
: Introduction to Potential Field Methods, Gravity, and Gravity Anomalies
Gravity Module 1-2
: Gravity Anomalies & Gravity Measurement Principles
Gravity Module 2-1
: Gravity Corrections & Estimating the residual gravity signal due to interior density anomalies
Gravity Module 2-2
: Gravity Anomalies due to some standard shapes of interior density anomalies
ElectroMagnetism: Magnetics Module 1-1
: Fundamentals: How does magnetism work? External and Induced Magnetic Fields; Magnetic materials
ElectroMagnetism: Magnetics Module 1-2
: Fundamentals: Earth's Magnetic Field - Core & Crustal Fields; Measurement of field strength;
ElectroMagnetism: Magnetics Module 1-3
: Magnetic Anomalies due to Magnetized crustal bodies: Theory, Data Reduction, & Calculation
ElectroMagnetism: Magneto-Tellurics
: Telluric Currents and the MT Method; MT Inversion Results: Resistivity structure of the Crust & Upper Mantle
ElectroMagnetism: DC-Resistivity Module 1
: DC Resistivity - Fundamentals & Theory; Estimation of apparent resistivity of 1-2-3-layered halfspace
ElectroMagnetism: DC-Resistivity Module 2
: DC Resistivity - Profiling vs. Sounding; Pseudosections; Local Examples & other applications
Well-/Wireline logging
: Modified/Condensed from Tony's lectures
(2018: April 16 & 20)