Peer-reviewed Publications
- Wu, J., J. Suppe, Lu R.-Q., R. V. S. Kanda (2016), Philippine Sea and East Asian plate tectonics since 52 Ma constrained by new subducted slab reconstruction methods, J. Geophys. Res, in review.
Lu R.-Q., J. Suppe, D.-F. He , J. Wu, R. V. S. Kanda , B. Liu, Y.-G. Chen (2013), Deep subducting slab reconstruction and its geometry, kinematics: a case study for the Tonga-Kermadec slab from tomography, Chinese J. Geophys., V56 (11), p.3837-3845.
Kanda, R. V. S., E. A. Hetland, and M. Simons (2013; online Nov. 2012), Asperity model for fault creep and interseismic deformation in northeastern Japan, Geoph. J. Intl., 192, p.38-57, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs028.
Kanda, R. V. S., and M. Simons (2012), Practical implications of the geometrical sensitivity of Elastic Dislocation models for field geologic surveys, Tectonophysics, 560–561, p. 94–104, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.06.040.
Kanda, R. V. S., and M. Simons (2010), An elastic plate model for interseismic deformation in subduction zones, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B03405, doi:10.1029/2009JB006611.
Thomas, W. A., R. V. S. Kanda, K. D. O'Hara, D. M. Surles (2008), Thermal footprint of an eroded thrust sheet in the Southern Appalachian Thrust Belt, Alabama, USA, Geosphere, 4(5), p. 814-818, doi 10.1130/GES00168.1.
Kanda, R. V. S., and D. J. Stevenson (2006), Suction mechanism for iron entrainment into the lower mantle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L02310, doi:10.1029/2005GL025009.
Manuscripts in Preparation
- Kanda, R. V. S., Lowry, A. R., Buiter, S., Ellis, S., Onset and stability of flat-slab subduction using thermo-mechanical geodynamic models and laboratory based rheological flow laws.
- Kanda, R. V. S., Suppe, J., Y.-J. Hsu, Y.-M. Wu, Multi-scale characterization of the present day 3D stress field based on focal mechanisms and tomographic structure in the vicinity of Taiwan.
- Kanda, R. V. S., Suppe, J., Constraints on lithospheric rheology of the Taiwan region based on comparisons of geodynamic models with present day tomographic structure and stress field.
- C. D. Lin, J. E. Wu, J. Suppe, R. V. S. Kanda, The trajectory of India towards Eurasia recorded by subducted slabs: implications for the fate of NeoTethys.
Dissertation & Theses
Ph.D. Dissertation, Geophysics, Caltech: Mechanical Models for Interseismic Deformation in Subduction Zones. Supervisor: Prof. Mark Simons.
M.S. Thesis, Geological Sciences, U. of Kentucky: Nonlinear Asperity-Scale Frictional Melting Model. Supervisors: Prof. Kieran O'Hara (GE), Prof. James McDonough (ME).
- M.S. Thesis, Environmental Engineering, U. of Cincinnati: A Model for Urban Ozone Dynamics in the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area. Supervisors: Prof. Pratim Biswas, Prof. Shafiq Islam
- B.Tech. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai: Experimental & Theoretical Study of Gas-Liquid Slug Flows in Horizontal Channels. Supervisor: Prof. Kannan Iyer
Selected Conference Abstracts
- R. V. S. Kanda, Lowry, A. R., Buiter, S., Ellis, S (2015), Causes for the Onset and Stability of Flat Slabs and Associated Overriding Plate Deformation Inferred from Numerical Thermo-Mechanical Models, EOS Trans AGU, 96, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T33B-03
- Berry, M., A.R. Lowry, D. Schutt, R. V. S. Kanda, J. Buehler (2015), Cold and Wet at the Roots of US Cordilleran High Elevation, EOS Trans AGU, 96, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T11C-2907
- Sara C., J. Suppe, Y.-M. Wu, R. V. S. Kanda (2014), Architecture and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision, EOS Trans AGU, 95, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T53E-03.
- Wu, J. E., J. Suppe, R.-Q. Liu, R. V. S. Kanda (2014), A tale of two arcs? Plate tectonics of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc using subducted slab constraints, EOS Trans AGU, 95, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T52B-01.
- Suppe, J.; J. Wu, C. D. Lin, R. V. S. Kanda (2014), The trajectory of India towards Eurasia recorded by subducted slabs: evidence for southward subduction of the Tethys Ocean under India after 130 Ma, EGU General Assembly, Abstract 15713.
- Wu, J., R.-Q. Lu, J. Suppe, R. V. S. Kanda (2014), The East Asian Sea: A vanished Cenozoic ocean between the Pacific and Indian oceans revealed by subducted slab constraints, EGU General Assembly, Abstract 11339.
- Liu, H.-F., J. Wu, J. Suppe, R.-Q. Liu, R. V. S. Kanda (2014), Seismic tomographic constraints on the Antarctic-Eastern Australian margin of Gondwanaland in the Mesozoic, EGU General Assembly, Abstract 10350.
- Kanda, R. V. S., J. Suppe J. E. Wu (2013) 2D/3D Numerical Models of the Taiwan Orogen: Oblique Arc-Continent Collision overlying Orthogonal Subduction Systems, EOS Trans AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T51F-2524.
- Suppe, J., S. Carena, R. V. S. Kanda, Y.-M. Wu, H.-H. Huang, J. E. Wu (2013), Kinematics of subduction and plate convergence under Taiwan and its geomorphic, geodetic and seismic expressions, EOS Trans AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T21G-07.
- Wu, J.E., J. Suppe, R. V. S. Kanda (2013), Plate tectonic reconstruction of South and East Asia since 43 Ma using seismic tomographic constraints: role of the subducted ‘East Asia Sea’, EOS Trans AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T21G-01.
- J. E. Wu, J. Suppe, R. Lu, C. D. Lin, R. V. S. Kanda (2013), Constraints of subducted slab geometries on trench migration and subduction velocities: flat slabs and slab curtains in the mantle under Asia, EOS Trans AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T51F-2532.
- Kanda, R. V. S., J. Suppe, S. M. Ellis, S. Buiter (2012), 3D Numerical Models of Slab-Mantle Interactions: Implications for Eurasia Philippine Sea Arc-Continent Collision, EOS Trans AGU, 93, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T43F-2739.
- Suppe, J., R. V. S. Kanda, Y.-M. Wu (2012), The 3D lithospheric structure and plate tectonics of the on-going Taiwan arc-continent collision and delamination: a context for understanding patterns of geomorphic uplift and contemporary stress and geodetic displacement fields, EOS Trans AGU, 93, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T41E-05.
- Wu, J.E., J. Suppe, R. V. S. Kanda (2012), Cenozoic East Asia plate tectonic reconstructions using constraints of mapped and unfolded slabs from mantle seismic tomography, EOS Trans AGU, 93, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T41F-07.
- C. D. Lin, J. E. Wu, J. Suppe, R. V. S. Kanda* (2012), The trajectory of India towards Eurasia recorded by subducted slabs: implications for the fate of NeoTethys, EOS Trans AGU, 93, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T41C-2602.
- Medina-Luna, L., S. E. West, L. Bai, E.A. Hetland, J. Ritsema, and R. V. S. Kanda (2012), Aftershocks of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake and Their Relation to Stresses in the Japan Trench Megathrust Seismic Cycle, Seism. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting.
- Kanda, R. V. S., J. Suppe, S. M. Ellis, Y.-J. Hsu, Y.-M. Wu (2011), Relative Dynamic Strengths Of Orthogonally Subducting Slabs Under Taiwan, EOS Trans AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T51A-2313.
- Kanda, R. V. S., E. A. Hetland, M. Simons (2010), Persistence of Coseismic Rupture Asperities as Inferred from Interseismic Geodetic Observations from Northeastern Japan, EOS Trans AGU, 91(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T51F-04.
- Kanda, R. V. S., E. A. Hetland, M. Simons, S. E. Owen, and F. W. Webb (2008), Can Interseismic Geodetic Observations Resolve Persistent Rupture Asperities? A study of the Japan trench off Tohoku. EOS Trans AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23A-1989.
- Kanda, R. V. S. and M. Simons (2006), Simple Elastic Dislocation Models for Interpreting Interseismic Deformation in Subduction Zones, EOS Trans AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T12C-02.
- Kanda, R. V. S. and D. J. Stevenson (2004), A suction mechanism for iron entrainment from the outer core into the lower mantle, EOS Trans AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract MR43A-0880.
- Kanda, R. V. S. and K. O’Hara (2002), Nonlinear Modeling of Frictional Melting at Asperity Tips, EOS Trans AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S52B-1078.